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The Age of A.I. (2019-2020)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:37 pm
by ASN
The Age of A.I. (2019-2020)
DetailsThe Age of A.I. (2019-2020)
ActorsRobert Downey Jr , Pedro Domingos , Rana El Kaliouby , Ayanna Howard , Jim Ewing , Matt McMullen , Mark Sagar , John Shaw , Cathy Ewing , Masie Kuh , Sharon Shaw , Hugh Herr , Tim Shaw , Katelyn Thorpe , Julie Cattiau
PLOTThe Age of A.I. is a 8 part documentary series hosted by Robert Downey Jr. covering the ways Artifial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural Networks will change the world.
More DetailsCountry of Origin: USA
Language: English
More Info : IMDb Link
Subtitles : YIFYsubtitles , OpenSubtitles

[IMDb Code] : tt8421554 8421554

[Genres] : GenreDocumentary

[Also Known As] : The Age of A.I., The Age of A.I., The Age of A.I., L'Âge de l'IA, The Age of A.I., The Age of A.I., Эпоха искусственного интеллекта, Ера Ш.І., The Age of A.I., The Age of A.I. A.I.